Scientific articles published by CEMBIO members, collected in Pubmed. December 2020 Main Publications from CEMBIO
CEMBIO is devoted to innovative, top level research work in the metabolomics field, which requires extensive knowledge in chromatography, mass spectrometry (MS) and biostatistics. Metabolomics is a new approach to study a biological situation without any preliminary hypothesis. Ideally, it is the study of the unique chemical fingerprints that specific cellular processes leave behind, specifically […]
Instrumentation Liquid Chromatography – Quadrupole – Time of Flight Mass Spectrometer (LC/Q-TOF-MS) A versatile 1290 Infinity II LC coupled to a 6545 Q-TOF LC/MS system for the sensitive untargeted metabolomics enabling structural elucidation in any kind of samples and for a wide variety of metabolites by the use of different LC methods. Liquid Chromatography – […]
Coral Barbas Arribas Director of the “Centre for Metabolomics and Bioanalysis” (CEMBIO) Coral Barbas is currently Full Professor of Analytical Chemistry at the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department of the Faculty of Pharmacy at Universidad CEU San Pablo, Madrid (Spain) and Director of the “Centre for Metabolomics and Bioanalysis” (CEMBIO) at this Faculty. She is also […]
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