Web of Science ResearcherID:https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/55014840 Bio: Andrea Macías Camero holds a BSc degree in Biochemistry (2016-2020) and a MSc degree in Neurosciences (2020-2021), both obtained at the Complutense University of Madrid. Since 2021, she has been working at CEMBIO and IMMA (Institute of Applied Molecular Medicine) as a full-time PhD student in the Translational Medicine program here, at San Pablo-CEU University. Her PhD project includes several lines of research focused on the study of anaphylaxis using a multi-omics approach. Specifically, Andrea is using both metabolomics and proteomics to characterize the signaling pathways involved in the rapid progression of anaphylaxis, and to identify potential new biomarkers for this condition. To date, Andrea is the author of 3 research publications and 2 review articles. Web of Science ResearcherID: KCJ-6609-2024 ORCID: 0000-0002-6487-4212
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